Monday, February 28, 2011

Hearts set on a pilgrimage

Some of us are gypsies. Our hearts are restless, never settled. We are often scolded and looked down upon as "irresponsible".  Some people think we have a fear of commitment because we move a lot. I think its one thing to be settled in who you are and your being - and its another to be settled in a location. They arent the same thing.

I have never been able to sit still very well for long. I can't help it. Ive got a traveling bug in my veins - and I'm thinking there's no cure.   The american dream is what tells people to "settle" down. To stay in the same place, keep the same job for many years. All of this sounds like a death sentence to me.  I wasnt created to work 9-5 my entire life.  Let's face it, most people hate their lives because they do things they dont even enjoy.  God didnt intend for us to live like this. And yet how often we settle! Well, I'm not ok with this. And so I pursue a different way.

And while we are on it...Being a gypsie or a nomad demands we have live a radical lifestyle.  With that radical lifestyle, comes a radical faith we must hold on to.  Responsibility (or fear as I think) says we always have to have everything in order before we do anything rash or crazy.  Where does this give room to let God be supernatural? it doesnt. We want the control.    Those of us who are willing to live outside the box are often judged as being flighty or flaky.   We just know our own comforts aren't going to cut it. And there's a Higher Power in control of our steps, finances and relationships.

I think theres a little gypsie in everyone. May you find the pilgrim within that is constantly on the move, evolving, and searching for the higher calling.