Friday, December 31, 2010

You ever feel like...

I live surrounded by people who have no idea what the truth is but I can see it..Its hard for me to understand how people can be so blind. But really we just shut ourselves down and become numb to things.
But for some reason - I am different. Somehow I can see. Even just the little that it is I do see.
I spend time with people almost on a daily basis who have NO clue who I am. They probably  think I'm this quiet, (sometimes sarcastic) girl and wife of Miles. Probably not much more than that. im sure people dont think it further then that. But there's so much more.. And I cant share it.

Sometimes I just wanna stand up for myself and show who I really am. But is that necessary? I dont know.
People who really know me - know that I'm a seer. I see things about everyone I meet. I know things about people. I can't really help it. Sometimes I know way more than I care to.  It's kind of comical to me that everyone I live around has no idea how much I really know about them (Bwahaha.) I feel like this complete secret - a total mystery. Maybe these certain people will never know, I dont know. I cant separate who I am from the seeing. they go together.  I'm not sure how to even act normal without using the gift - cause I'm not using it right now. People read me as all the things Ive already blogged about "depressed, angry, etc". But its really more about whats going on in my mind, and in the spirit. It's heavy out there. People just like to sugar coat it all and pretend that everything is ok. But I know that its not. I can see it.

I wonder what people would do if they really saw who I was. I wonder if they would freak out....Or think I'm in need of psychiatric help or something. Either way - I'm tired of being silent.  Here's to hoping for the days of being ME - fully.

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